
Insurance & Reinsurance

New book available

Insurance, Climate Change and the Law, 1st Edition


Written by Dr Franziska Arnold-Dwyer, this book sets out the current legal and regulatory landscape for impact underwriting and impact investment. The book puts forward the case for a new vision of the role of the insurance industry as climate action enablers and makes proposals for insurance products and risk transfer and loss resilience structures that can support policyholders in their transition to a Net Zero economy. 

The Law of Insurance Contracts

Service Issue 58 (March 2024) now available


Service Issue 58 can be accessed here. Recent cases discussed include:

  • Ali v HSF Logistics Polska SP ZOO [2024] Lloyd’s Rep IR 1:
  • Canada Square Operations Ltd v Potter [2023] UKSC 41; 
  • Infinity Reliance Ltd v Heath Crawford Ltd [2023] EWHC 3022 (Comm);
  • KBC Verzekeringen NV v P&V Verzekeringen CVBA, Case C-286/22; 
  • Last Bus Ltd v Dawsongroup Bus and Coach Ltd [2023] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 666
  • Official Receiver v Shop Direct Finance Co Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 367; 
  • R (Assurant General Insurance Ltd) v FOS Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1049; 
  • R (Manchikalapati) v FSCS [2023] EWCA Civ 1006; 
  • Smith v RBS [2023] UKSC 34; 
  • University of Exeter v Allianz Insurance plc [2024] Lloyd’s Rep IR 211.

The latest update includes a new section (Chapter 6-9) on the transfer of insurance business, and commentary on the UK joining the Hague Convention 2019.

Insurance Broking Practice and the Law

Service Issue 33 (March 2024) now available


Service Issue 33 (March 2024) of Insurance Broking Practice and the Law includes commentary on:

Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd v McCullough [2022] Lloyd’s Rep IR 137, in which a public liability policy for an outdoor motorbike race track imposed a condition precedent to cover that any claim be notified in writing “as soon as reasonably practicable”.
URS Corporation Ltd v BDW Trading Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 772; [2023] BLR 437, which considered Pirelli General Cable Works Ltd v Oscar Faber & Partners [1983] 2 AC 1.

Also included in this service issue are developments relating to The FCA’s Consumer Duty, the FCA’s Code of Conduct (COCON), the FCA CP 23/20 outlining its proposals to introduce a new regulatory framework on Diversity and Inclusion in the financial sector, the Bank of England, the PRA and the FCA Discussion Paper 3/22, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 and the Insurance Distribution Directive.

Professional Negligence

Service Issue 44 February 2024 now available


Service Issue 44 (February 2024) of Professional Negligence and Liability includes updates to the following chapters:

Chapter 1 The Nature of Professional Liability

Chapter 2 Damages

Chapter 5 The Insurance of Professional Indemnity Risks

Chapter 11  Underwriting Agents: Lloyd's and Generally

Chapter 12 Financial Advisers

Chapter 16 Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys

Chapter 17 Auctioneers

Chapter 22 Public Authorities

Chapter 25 Veterinary Surgeons

Professional Negligence and Liability, edited by Mark Simpson KC, with contributions from over 50 experts, contains chapters on professions including Bankers, Architects, Surveyors, Solicitors, Financial Advisers, Accountants, Clinical Practitioners, Public Authorities and Barristers.

Insurance Law Search

Insurance law in 2023: a review of developments in case law


This review, written by Aybüke Naz Durmuş, covers important court decisions in the field of insurance and reinsurance in 2023. It addresses the most significant judgments of the year, including major appellate decisions in the area, and first instance decisions dealing with important points of principle.

Access it here: https://www.i-law.com/ilaw/doc/view.htm?id=437859

LLR: Insurance & Reinsurance


[2024] Lloyd's Rep IR 428
Insurance (liability) – Maritime construction project – WELCAR 2001 policy – Co-insurance – Meaning of “Existing Property” exclusion.


[2024] Lloyd's Rep IR 391
Insurance (property) – Broker – Whether policy extended coverage to claimant – Construction of policy – Rectification – Estoppel by convention – Insurance Act 2015, section 5.

Current issue available

Insurance Law Monthly


Insurance Law Monthly has been providing specialist analysis of key cases, EU Directives and updates in legislation and regulation for many years. Every month, our experts report on the most noteworthy international cases concerning issues including liability, marine, motor, property and business interruption.

The latest issue of Insurance Law Monthly is available here

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