
Shipboard Management


Page 375


  • Accident , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Agent's Duties in Law
  • Alternative compliance scheme (ACS)
  • analysis of evidence
  • anatomy of a contract
  • arbitration , , , , , , , ,
  • Arctic Sunrise
  • armed Robbery
  • arrest and detention ,
  • assertiveness ,
  • Athens Convention
  • Azura
  • Ballast water Convention (BWM) ,
  • Ballast water management plan
  • Basic Principles of Russian Federation State Policy
  • bibliographies and referencing
  • Boularibank (Teignbank)
  • Blue Star Line
  • Bowater Steamship Company , , ,
  • Bridge Procedures Guide
  • Bridge team management , , ,
  • Capetown Castle, RMS
  • Cargo ship safety certificate (CSSC) ,
  • Cargo ship safety construction certificate (SCC) ,
  • Cargo ship safety equipment certificate (SEC) , ,
  • Cargo ship safety radio certificate (SRC) ,
  • Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 , , ,
  • Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 , ,
  • case citations
  • certificate of competency , , , ,
  • charter shipping organisation and types
  • charterparty terms , ,
  • Civil Evidence Act 1968
  • Civil Liability Convention (Bulk oil)
  • Civil Liability Convention (Bunker oil)
  • Civil Procedure Rules , ,
  • clear statement rule , , ,
  • CMA CGM Libra , ,
  • Code of Conduct for the Merchant Navy, The
  • Collision Regulations, The , , , , ,
  • communication management , , ,
  • competency and fitness
  • compulsory insurance , , ,
  • compulsory pilotage , ,
  • Conflict of Laws
  • consul, diplomatic , ,
  • contract consideration , ,
  • contract offer and acceptance
  • contract performance
  • contract terms
  • Coral Sea ,
  • Cota, Capt John
  • corporate accountability , ,
  • Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
  • Cosco Busan
  • Costa Concordia , ,
  • Courts, UK: Admiralty Court (High Court) , ;
  • Court of Appeal , , , , , , , , , , , 338;
  • Crown Court , , 228;
  • High Court , , , , 353;
  • Magistrates Court ; Supreme Court , ,
  • criminal accountability , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Criminal Justice Act 1967
  • Criminal Law Act 1967
  • Criminal Procedure Rules
  • Critical Charterparty Terms
  • culpability sentencing guidelines
  • Cunard Steam Ship Company
  • dangerous goods , , , , , ,
  • David Agmashenebeli
  • Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC)
  • Definition of Loss in Salvage
  • definitions: owner , ; seafarer ; demurrage time taken for loading
  • Devlin, J , ,
  • discipline , ,
  • dismissal , , , , , ,
  • dismissal, unfair , ,
  • dispute resolution , ,
  • Document of Compliance ,
  • domestic law (UK process) ,
  • Employment of Young Persons
  • Employment Rights Act 1996 ,
  • Enforcement of Conventions
  • Enrica Lexie
  • environmental offences sentencing guidelines
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Eternal Bliss
  • European Communities Act 1972
  • European Convention on Human Rights , , ,
  • European Court of Human Rights , ,
  • European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
  • Ever Forward ,
  • Ever Given , ,
  • Ever Smart
  • Explorer of the Seas
  • Exxon Valdez , ,
  • fair presentation , ,
  • Firearms Act 1968
  • Flaux, Sir Julian, Chancellor of the High Court , ,
  • Functions Of The Bill of Lading
  • Garbage Record Book ,
  • general average , , ,
  • General Steam Navigation Company , ,
  • Gladys Bowater ,
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
  • Golden Victory
  • good faith , , , , , , ,
  • Gulf King 55
  • Hague-Visby Rules , , , , , , , , , ,
  • harm sentencing guidelines
  • Hebei Spirit ,
  • Herald of Free Enterprise , , , , , ,
  • Heroic Idun ,
  • Heron
  • Höegh Osaka ,
  • hours of work , , , , , , ,
  • Hours of Work Regulations 2018
  • Hoyt, Capt Evans Azura
  • Hull and Machinery Insurance ,
  • human rights , , , , , ,
  • Human Rights Act 199819
  • icebreakers ,
  • Indiga and Varzuga
  • insurable interest ,
  • Insurance Act 2015 ,
  • International Convention on Drugs
  • International Convention on Load Lines
  • International Law (process)
  • International Law of the Sea , ,
  • International Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) , , , , , , , ,
  • International Safety Management Code (ISM) , , , , , ,
  • International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) , , ,
  • John I
  • Jotunheim
  • Kaami
  • Kota Nebula
  • Kylsant, Lord
  • Laptalo, Capt Kristo Coral Sea
  • laytime time taken for loading
  • letter of indemnity ,
  • Lloyds 100 A1
  • Lloyd's Open Form (LOF)
  • Maersk Etienne
  • Mangouras, Capt Apostolos ,
  • Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) ,
  • Marine Insurance Act 1906 , ,
  • Maritime agencies, examples
  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Maritime Labour Certificate ,
  • Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • MARPOL , , , ,
  • Master's absolute discretion , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Master's authority , , , , , , , ,
  • Master's duty of care ,
  • Master's overriding duty (maintain order and discipline) , , ,
  • Master's responsibilities summary
  • Memoranda for Port State Control Inspections
  • Memoranda of Understanding ,
  • Merchant Shipping Act 199514 , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Merchant Shipping (Accident Reporting) Regs 2012 ,
  • Merchant Shipping (Alcohol etc) Regulations 2015
  • Merchant Shipping (Musters etc) Regulations 1999
  • Merchant Shipping (Pilot Ladders etc) Regulations 1987
  • Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2002
  • Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) (A) Regs 201114 ,
  • Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020 , , , , , ,
  • Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training etc) Regs 2015 , ,
  • Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training etc) Regs 2022 ,
  • Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997
  • Merchant Shipping etc (Health and Safety at Work) Regs 1997
  • misrepresentation , , , , ,
  • MSC Napoli
  • Murmansk Shipping Company
  • Musters, Drills and Emergency Response
  • Nairobi Convention (Wreck Removal)
  • Nautical Fault Defence , , , , , , , ,
  • Negligence and Error of Judgment distinguished
  • Northern Sea Route ,
  • Northwest Passage ,
  • Ocean Perfect ,
  • Official Log Book (OLB) , ,
  • Olivebank
  • P & O Ferries
  • Paragon
  • Paris MOU Memoranda of Understanding
  • Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC) , , ,
  • personal injury, death and disease
  • Pilotage Act 1987 ,
  • Places of refuge , , ,
  • Polar
  • Polar Code , , ,
  • Port Inspection Production of Documents
  • Port Marine Safety Code
  • Port State Inspection Process
  • Posidon
  • Practice Direction (Admiralty)
  • Procedures For Port State Control (IMO)
  • Protection and Indemnity insurance ,
  • Protection From Harassment Act 1997 ,
  • Queen Elizabeth, RMS
  • Raymer, Capt Arthur
  • recklessness , , , , , , , ,
  • Reform on Warranties
  • Refusal of Access
  • risk analysis , ,
  • risk management ,
  • Royal Mail Steam Packet Company (Royal Mail Line) , ,
  • Safe manning document (SMD) , , , , ,
  • Safety management system (SMS) , , , , , ,
  • Sale of Goods Act 1979
  • Salvage and Towage distinguished ,
  • Salvage Convention , , ,
  • Schröder, Capt Wolfgang Zim Mexico III
  • SCOPIC , , ,
  • Sea Empress
  • seafarer complaints
  • Seafarer's Employment Agreement (SEA) , , ,
  • Secretary of State's Representative (SOSREP)
  • Seistan
  • self-defence ,
  • self-incrimination ,
  • sentencing guidelines
  • Sexual Offences Act 2003 ,
  • Shipboard Health and the Working Environment
  • SOLAS , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Sovereignty and Maritime Conventions
  • special compensation ,
  • standard of duty , , , , , ,
  • Stapleton, Capt Peter Boularibank (Teignbank)
  • Star B
  • Starsin ,
  • statutory limitation rules , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Steersman
  • Stema Barge II ,
  • Stena Arctica
  • subrogation , , ,
  • Taiko
  • Tasman Discoverer
  • Tasman Pioneer , , ,
  • terms of the contract
  • time taken for loading
  • Titanic, RMS , , , , , ,
  • Torepo ,
  • Torrey Canyon
  • UNCLOS , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Unfair Contract terms Act 1977
  • Union Star
  • United Nations Charter
  • United Nations Maritime Code ,
  • United States Supreme Court , ,
  • van Gogh
  • Vessel traffic monitoring (VTS) ,
  • vicarious liability , , , , ,
  • Wakashio
  • Western Moscow
  • Wilforce
  • York-Antwerp Rules
  • Zim Mexico III

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    Lloyd's is the registered trademark of the Society Incorporated by the Lloyd's Act 1871 by the name of Lloyd's.