
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly


THE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE OF THE COMMERCIAL COURT (2nd Edition) by Anthony D. Colman, Q.C. Lloyd’s of London Press Ltd., London (1986, xxi and 171 pp., plus 24 pp. Appendices and 3 pp. Index). Hardback £35. The author produced the first edition of this book (reviewed in [1984] 2 LMCLQ 322) some 16 years after he produced the second and final edition of Mathew’s Practice of the Commercial Court. Three years later, with the arrival of the second edition of his own book, both the author and the publishers are to be congratulated on their efforts to emulate one of the objectives of the subject-matter—to respond quickly to developments in a vital area of legal practice and national concern. At first glance, this new edition looks to be quite different from its predecessor. But this is mainly due to a different typesetting and a slightly slimmed down appearance (although it is in fact slightly longer). Certainly, new developments have been included, primarily in Chapter 8, dealing with arbitrations and containing expanded treatment of applications for leave to appeal against awards and appeals to the Court of Appeal. But the principal change has been the incorporation of the recommendations of the Commercial Court Committee, formulated by a working party chaired by Nicholas Phillips, Q.C. These changes were inevitably to be in the course of implementation before the book was very few days old, so that, although the author is to be commended on his incorporation of the changes at proof stage, it is perhaps regrettable


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